Source code for

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
from __future__ import absolute_import, print_function, division

# standard library dependencies
import io
from petl.compat import text_type, numeric_types, next, PY2, izip_longest, \
    string_types, callable

# internal dependencies
from petl.errors import ArgumentError
from petl.util.base import Table, Record
from import getcodec
from import write_source_from_arg

[docs]def tohtml(table, source=None, encoding=None, errors='strict', caption=None, vrepr=text_type, lineterminator='\n', index_header=False, tr_style=None, td_styles=None, truncate=None): """ Write the table as HTML to a file. E.g.:: >>> import petl as etl >>> table1 = [['foo', 'bar'], ... ['a', 1], ... ['b', 2], ... ['c', 2]] >>> etl.tohtml(table1, 'example.html', caption='example table') >>> print(open('example.html').read()) <table class='petl'> <caption>example table</caption> <thead> <tr> <th>foo</th> <th>bar</th> </tr> </thead> <tbody> <tr> <td>a</td> <td style='text-align: right'>1</td> </tr> <tr> <td>b</td> <td style='text-align: right'>2</td> </tr> <tr> <td>c</td> <td style='text-align: right'>2</td> </tr> </tbody> </table> The `caption` keyword argument is used to provide a table caption in the output HTML. """ source = write_source_from_arg(source) with'wb') as buf: # deal with text encoding if PY2: codec = getcodec(encoding) f = codec.streamwriter(buf, errors=errors) else: f = io.TextIOWrapper(buf, encoding=encoding, errors=errors, newline='') # write the table try: it = iter(table) # write header hdr = next(it) _write_begin(f, hdr, lineterminator, caption, index_header, truncate) # write body if tr_style and callable(tr_style): # wrap as records it = (Record(row, hdr) for row in it) for row in it: _write_row(f, hdr, row, lineterminator, vrepr, tr_style, td_styles, truncate) # finish up _write_end(f, lineterminator) f.flush() finally: if not PY2: f.detach()
Table.tohtml = tohtml
[docs]def teehtml(table, source=None, encoding=None, errors='strict', caption=None, vrepr=text_type, lineterminator='\n', index_header=False, tr_style=None, td_styles=None, truncate=None): """ Return a table that writes rows to a Unicode HTML file as they are iterated over. """ source = write_source_from_arg(source) return TeeHTMLView(table, source=source, encoding=encoding, errors=errors, caption=caption, vrepr=vrepr, lineterminator=lineterminator, index_header=index_header, tr_style=tr_style, td_styles=td_styles, truncate=truncate)
Table.teehtml = teehtml class TeeHTMLView(Table): def __init__(self, table, source=None, encoding=None, errors='strict', caption=None, vrepr=text_type, lineterminator='\n', index_header=False, tr_style=None, td_styles=None, truncate=None): self.table = table self.source = source self.encoding = encoding self.errors = errors self.caption = caption self.vrepr = vrepr self.lineterminator = lineterminator self.index_header = index_header self.tr_style = tr_style self.td_styles = td_styles self.truncate = truncate def __iter__(self): table = self.table source = self.source encoding = self.encoding errors = self.errors lineterminator = self.lineterminator caption = self.caption index_header = self.index_header tr_style = self.tr_style td_styles = self.td_styles vrepr = self.vrepr truncate = self.truncate with'wb') as buf: # deal with text encoding if PY2: codec = getcodec(encoding) f = codec.streamwriter(buf, errors=errors) else: f = io.TextIOWrapper(buf, encoding=encoding, errors=errors, newline='') # write the table try: it = iter(table) # write header hdr = next(it) _write_begin(f, hdr, lineterminator, caption, index_header, truncate) yield hdr # write body if tr_style and callable(tr_style): # wrap as records it = (Record(row, hdr) for row in it) for row in it: _write_row(f, hdr, row, lineterminator, vrepr, tr_style, td_styles, truncate) yield row # finish up _write_end(f, lineterminator) f.flush() finally: if not PY2: f.detach() def _write_begin(f, flds, lineterminator, caption, index_header, truncate): f.write("<table class='petl'>" + lineterminator) if caption is not None: f.write(('<caption>%s</caption>' % caption) + lineterminator) f.write('<thead>' + lineterminator) f.write('<tr>' + lineterminator) for i, h in enumerate(flds): if index_header: h = '%s|%s' % (i, h) if truncate: h = h[:truncate] f.write(('<th>%s</th>' % h) + lineterminator) f.write('</tr>' + lineterminator) f.write('</thead>' + lineterminator) f.write('<tbody>' + lineterminator) def _write_row(f, flds, row, lineterminator, vrepr, tr_style, td_styles, truncate): tr_css = _get_tr_css(row, tr_style) if tr_css: f.write(("<tr style='%s'>" % tr_css) + lineterminator) else: f.write("<tr>" + lineterminator) for h, v in izip_longest(flds, row, fillvalue=None): r = vrepr(v) if truncate: r = r[:truncate] td_css = _get_td_css(h, v, td_styles) if td_css: f.write(("<td style='%s'>%s</td>" % (td_css, r)) + lineterminator) else: f.write(("<td>%s</td>" % r) + lineterminator) f.write('</tr>' + lineterminator) def _get_tr_css(row, tr_style): # check for user-provided style if tr_style: if isinstance(tr_style, string_types): return tr_style elif callable(tr_style): return tr_style(row) else: raise ArgumentError('expected string or callable, got %r' % tr_style) # fall back to default style return '' def _get_td_css(h, v, td_styles): # check for user-provided style if td_styles: if isinstance(td_styles, string_types): return td_styles elif callable(td_styles): return td_styles(v) elif isinstance(td_styles, dict): if h in td_styles: s = td_styles[h] if isinstance(s, string_types): return s elif callable(s): return s(v) else: raise ArgumentError('expected string or callable, got %r' % s) else: raise ArgumentError('expected string, callable or dict, got %r' % td_styles) # fall back to default style if isinstance(v, numeric_types) and not isinstance(v, bool): return 'text-align: right' else: return '' def _write_end(f, lineterminator): f.write('</tbody>' + lineterminator) f.write('</table>' + lineterminator)