Source code for petl.transform.unpacks

from __future__ import absolute_import, print_function, division

import itertools
from petl.compat import next, text_type

from petl.errors import ArgumentError
from petl.util.base import Table

[docs]def unpack(table, field, newfields=None, include_original=False, missing=None): """ Unpack data values that are lists or tuples. E.g.:: >>> import petl as etl >>> table1 = [['foo', 'bar'], ... [1, ['a', 'b']], ... [2, ['c', 'd']], ... [3, ['e', 'f']]] >>> table2 = etl.unpack(table1, 'bar', ['baz', 'quux']) >>> table2 +-----+-----+------+ | foo | baz | quux | +=====+=====+======+ | 1 | 'a' | 'b' | +-----+-----+------+ | 2 | 'c' | 'd' | +-----+-----+------+ | 3 | 'e' | 'f' | +-----+-----+------+ This function will attempt to unpack exactly the number of values as given by the number of new fields specified. If there are more values than new fields, remaining values will not be unpacked. If there are less values than new fields, `missing` values will be added. See also :func:`petl.transform.unpacks.unpackdict`. """ return UnpackView(table, field, newfields=newfields, include_original=include_original, missing=missing)
Table.unpack = unpack class UnpackView(Table): def __init__(self, source, field, newfields=None, include_original=False, missing=None): self.source = source self.field = field self.newfields = newfields self.include_original = include_original self.missing = missing def __iter__(self): return iterunpack(self.source, self.field, self.newfields, self.include_original, self.missing) def iterunpack(source, field, newfields, include_original, missing): it = iter(source) hdr = next(it) flds = list(map(text_type, hdr)) if field in flds: field_index = flds.index(field) elif isinstance(field, int) and field < len(flds): field_index = field field = flds[field_index] else: raise ArgumentError('field invalid: must be either field name or index') # determine output fields outhdr = list(flds) if not include_original: outhdr.remove(field) if isinstance(newfields, (list, tuple)): outhdr.extend(newfields) nunpack = len(newfields) elif isinstance(newfields, int): nunpack = newfields newfields = [text_type(field) + text_type(i+1) for i in range(newfields)] outhdr.extend(newfields) elif newfields is None: nunpack = 0 else: raise ArgumentError('newfields argument must be list or tuple of field ' 'names, or int (number of values to unpack)') yield tuple(outhdr) # construct the output data for row in it: value = row[field_index] if include_original: out_row = list(row) else: out_row = [v for i, v in enumerate(row) if i != field_index] nvals = len(value) if nunpack > 0: if nvals >= nunpack: newvals = value[:nunpack] else: newvals = list(value) + ([missing] * (nunpack - nvals)) out_row.extend(newvals) yield tuple(out_row)
[docs]def unpackdict(table, field, keys=None, includeoriginal=False, samplesize=1000, missing=None): """ Unpack dictionary values into separate fields. E.g.:: >>> import petl as etl >>> table1 = [['foo', 'bar'], ... [1, {'baz': 'a', 'quux': 'b'}], ... [2, {'baz': 'c', 'quux': 'd'}], ... [3, {'baz': 'e', 'quux': 'f'}]] >>> table2 = etl.unpackdict(table1, 'bar') >>> table2 +-----+-----+------+ | foo | baz | quux | +=====+=====+======+ | 1 | 'a' | 'b' | +-----+-----+------+ | 2 | 'c' | 'd' | +-----+-----+------+ | 3 | 'e' | 'f' | +-----+-----+------+ See also :func:`petl.transform.unpacks.unpack`. """ return UnpackDictView(table, field, keys=keys, includeoriginal=includeoriginal, samplesize=samplesize, missing=missing)
Table.unpackdict = unpackdict class UnpackDictView(Table): def __init__(self, table, field, keys=None, includeoriginal=False, samplesize=1000, missing=None): self.table = table self.field = field self.keys = keys self.includeoriginal = includeoriginal self.samplesize = samplesize self.missing = missing def __iter__(self): return iterunpackdict(self.table, self.field, self.keys, self.includeoriginal, self.samplesize, self.missing) def iterunpackdict(table, field, keys, includeoriginal, samplesize, missing): # set up it = iter(table) hdr = next(it) flds = list(map(text_type, hdr)) fidx = flds.index(field) outhdr = list(flds) if not includeoriginal: del outhdr[fidx] # are keys specified? if not keys: # need to sample to find keys sample = list(itertools.islice(it, samplesize)) keys = set() for row in sample: try: keys |= set(row[fidx].keys()) except AttributeError: pass it = itertools.chain(sample, it) keys = sorted(keys) outhdr.extend(keys) yield tuple(outhdr) # generate the data rows for row in it: outrow = list(row) if not includeoriginal: del outrow[fidx] for key in keys: try: outrow.append(row[fidx][key]) except (IndexError, KeyError, TypeError): outrow.append(missing) yield tuple(outrow)