Source code for

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
from __future__ import absolute_import, print_function, division

import locale

from petl.util.base import Table, data

[docs]def fromxlsx(filename, sheet=None, range_string=None, min_row=None, min_col=None, max_row=None, max_col=None, read_only=False, **kwargs): """ Extract a table from a sheet in an Excel .xlsx file. N.B., the sheet name is case sensitive. The `sheet` argument can be omitted, in which case the first sheet in the workbook is used by default. The `range_string` argument can be used to provide a range string specifying a range of cells to extract. The `min_row`, `min_col`, `max_row` and `max_col` arguments can be used to limit the range of cells to extract. They will be ignored if `range_string` is provided. The `read_only` argument determines how openpyxl returns the loaded workbook. Default is `False` as it prevents some LibreOffice files from getting truncated at 65536 rows. `True` should be faster if the file use is read-only and the files are made with Microsoft Excel. Any other keyword arguments are passed through to :func:`openpyxl.load_workbook()`. """ return XLSXView(filename, sheet=sheet, range_string=range_string, min_row=min_row, min_col=min_col, max_row=max_row, max_col=max_col, read_only=read_only, **kwargs)
class XLSXView(Table): def __init__(self, filename, sheet=None, range_string=None, min_row=None, min_col=None, max_row=None, max_col=None, read_only=False, **kwargs): self.filename = filename self.sheet = sheet self.range_string = range_string self.min_row = min_row self.min_col = min_col self.max_row = max_row self.max_col = max_col self.read_only = read_only self.kwargs = kwargs def __iter__(self): import openpyxl wb = openpyxl.load_workbook(filename=self.filename, read_only=self.read_only, **self.kwargs) if self.sheet is None: ws = wb[wb.sheetnames[0]] elif isinstance(self.sheet, int): ws = wb[wb.sheetnames[self.sheet]] else: ws = wb[str(self.sheet)] if self.range_string is not None: rows = ws[self.range_string] else: rows = ws.iter_rows(min_row=self.min_row, min_col=self.min_col, max_row=self.max_row, max_col=self.max_col) for row in rows: yield tuple(cell.value for cell in row) try: wb._archive.close() except AttributeError: # just here in case openpyxl stops exposing an _archive property. pass
[docs]def toxlsx(tbl, filename, sheet=None, write_header=True): """ Write a table to a new Excel .xlsx file. """ import openpyxl wb = openpyxl.Workbook(write_only=True) ws = wb.create_sheet(title=sheet) if write_header: rows = tbl else: rows = data(tbl) for row in rows: ws.append(row)
Table.toxlsx = toxlsx
[docs]def appendxlsx(tbl, filename, sheet=None, write_header=False): """ Appends rows to an existing Excel .xlsx file. """ import openpyxl wb = openpyxl.load_workbook(filename=filename, read_only=False) if sheet is None: ws = wb[wb.sheetnames[0]] elif isinstance(sheet, int): ws = wb[wb.sheetnames[sheet]] else: ws = wb[str(sheet)] if write_header: rows = tbl else: rows = data(tbl) for row in rows: ws.append(row)
Table.appendxlsx = appendxlsx