Source code for petl.transform.selects

from __future__ import absolute_import, print_function, division

import operator
import re
from petl.compat import next, string_types, callable, text_type
from petl.comparison import Comparable

from petl.errors import ArgumentError
from petl.util.base import asindices, expr, Table, values, Record

[docs]def select(table, *args, **kwargs): """ Select rows meeting a condition. E.g.:: >>> import petl as etl >>> table1 = [['foo', 'bar', 'baz'], ... ['a', 4, 9.3], ... ['a', 2, 88.2], ... ['b', 1, 23.3], ... ['c', 8, 42.0], ... ['d', 7, 100.9], ... ['c', 2]] >>> # the second positional argument can be a function accepting ... # a row ... table2 =, ... lambda rec: == 'a' and rec.baz > 88.1) >>> table2 +-----+-----+------+ | foo | bar | baz | +=====+=====+======+ | 'a' | 2 | 88.2 | +-----+-----+------+ >>> # the second positional argument can also be an expression ... # string, which will be converted to a function using petl.expr() ... table3 =, "{foo} == 'a' and {baz} > 88.1") >>> table3 +-----+-----+------+ | foo | bar | baz | +=====+=====+======+ | 'a' | 2 | 88.2 | +-----+-----+------+ >>> # the condition can also be applied to a single field ... table4 =, 'foo', lambda v: v == 'a') >>> table4 +-----+-----+------+ | foo | bar | baz | +=====+=====+======+ | 'a' | 4 | 9.3 | +-----+-----+------+ | 'a' | 2 | 88.2 | +-----+-----+------+ The complement of the selection can be returned (i.e., the query can be inverted) by providing `complement=True` as a keyword argument. """ missing = kwargs.get('missing', None) complement = kwargs.get('complement', False) if len(args) == 0: raise ArgumentError('missing positional argument') elif len(args) == 1: where = args[0] if isinstance(where, string_types): where = expr(where) else: assert callable(where), 'second argument must be string or callable' return RowSelectView(table, where, missing=missing, complement=complement) else: field = args[0] where = args[1] assert callable(where), 'third argument must be callable' return FieldSelectView(table, field, where, complement=complement, missing=missing) = select class RowSelectView(Table): def __init__(self, source, where, missing=None, complement=False): self.source = source self.where = where self.missing = missing self.complement = complement def __iter__(self): return iterrowselect(self.source, self.where, self.missing, self.complement) class FieldSelectView(Table): def __init__(self, source, field, where, complement=False, missing=None): self.source = source self.field = field self.where = where self.complement = complement self.missing = missing def __iter__(self): return iterfieldselect(self.source, self.field, self.where, self.complement, self.missing) def iterfieldselect(source, field, where, complement, missing): it = iter(source) hdr = next(it) yield tuple(hdr) indices = asindices(hdr, field) getv = operator.itemgetter(*indices) for row in it: try: v = getv(row) except IndexError: v = missing if where(v) != complement: # XOR yield tuple(row) def iterrowselect(source, where, missing, complement): it = iter(source) hdr = next(it) flds = list(map(text_type, hdr)) yield tuple(hdr) it = (Record(row, flds, missing=missing) for row in it) for row in it: if where(row) != complement: # XOR yield tuple(row) # need to convert back to tuple?
[docs]def rowlenselect(table, n, complement=False): """Select rows of length `n`.""" where = lambda row: len(row) == n return select(table, where, complement=complement)
Table.rowlenselect = rowlenselect
[docs]def selectop(table, field, value, op, complement=False): """Select rows where the function `op` applied to the given field and the given value returns `True`.""" return select(table, field, lambda v: op(v, value), complement=complement)
Table.selectop = selectop
[docs]def selecteq(table, field, value, complement=False): """Select rows where the given field equals the given value.""" return selectop(table, field, value, operator.eq, complement=complement)
Table.selecteq = selecteq Table.eq = selecteq
[docs]def selectne(table, field, value, complement=False): """Select rows where the given field does not equal the given value.""" return selectop(table, field, value,, complement=complement)
Table.selectne = selectne = selectne
[docs]def selectlt(table, field, value, complement=False): """Select rows where the given field is less than the given value.""" value = Comparable(value) return selectop(table, field, value,, complement=complement)
Table.selectlt = selectlt = selectlt
[docs]def selectle(table, field, value, complement=False): """Select rows where the given field is less than or equal to the given value.""" value = Comparable(value) return selectop(table, field, value, operator.le, complement=complement)
Table.selectle = selectle Table.le = selectle
[docs]def selectgt(table, field, value, complement=False): """Select rows where the given field is greater than the given value.""" value = Comparable(value) return selectop(table, field, value,, complement=complement)
Table.selectgt = selectgt = selectgt
[docs]def selectge(table, field, value, complement=False): """Select rows where the given field is greater than or equal to the given value.""" value = Comparable(value) return selectop(table, field, value,, complement=complement)
Table.selectge = selectge = selectge
[docs]def selectcontains(table, field, value, complement=False): """Select rows where the given field contains the given value.""" return selectop(table, field, value, operator.contains, complement=complement)
Table.selectcontains = selectcontains
[docs]def selectin(table, field, value, complement=False): """Select rows where the given field is a member of the given value.""" return select(table, field, lambda v: v in value, complement=complement)
Table.selectin = selectin
[docs]def selectnotin(table, field, value, complement=False): """Select rows where the given field is not a member of the given value.""" return select(table, field, lambda v: v not in value, complement=complement)
Table.selectnotin = selectnotin
[docs]def selectis(table, field, value, complement=False): """Select rows where the given field `is` the given value.""" return selectop(table, field, value, operator.is_, complement=complement)
Table.selectis = selectis
[docs]def selectisnot(table, field, value, complement=False): """Select rows where the given field `is not` the given value.""" return selectop(table, field, value, operator.is_not, complement=complement)
Table.selectisnot = selectisnot
[docs]def selectisinstance(table, field, value, complement=False): """Select rows where the given field is an instance of the given type.""" return selectop(table, field, value, isinstance, complement=complement)
Table.selectisinstance = selectisinstance
[docs]def selectrangeopenleft(table, field, minv, maxv, complement=False): """Select rows where the given field is greater than or equal to `minv` and less than `maxv`.""" minv = Comparable(minv) maxv = Comparable(maxv) return select(table, field, lambda v: minv <= v < maxv, complement=complement)
Table.selectrangeopenleft = selectrangeopenleft
[docs]def selectrangeopenright(table, field, minv, maxv, complement=False): """Select rows where the given field is greater than `minv` and less than or equal to `maxv`.""" minv = Comparable(minv) maxv = Comparable(maxv) return select(table, field, lambda v: minv < v <= maxv, complement=complement)
Table.selectrangeopenright = selectrangeopenright
[docs]def selectrangeopen(table, field, minv, maxv, complement=False): """Select rows where the given field is greater than or equal to `minv` and less than or equal to `maxv`.""" minv = Comparable(minv) maxv = Comparable(maxv) return select(table, field, lambda v: minv <= v <= maxv, complement=complement)
Table.selectrangeopen = selectrangeopen
[docs]def selectrangeclosed(table, field, minv, maxv, complement=False): """Select rows where the given field is greater than `minv` and less than `maxv`.""" minv = Comparable(minv) maxv = Comparable(maxv) return select(table, field, lambda v: minv < Comparable(v) < maxv, complement=complement)
Table.selectrangeclosed = selectrangeclosed
[docs]def selecttrue(table, field, complement=False): """Select rows where the given field evaluates `True`.""" return select(table, field, lambda v: bool(v), complement=complement)
Table.selecttrue = selecttrue Table.true = selecttrue
[docs]def selectfalse(table, field, complement=False): """Select rows where the given field evaluates `False`.""" return select(table, field, lambda v: not bool(v), complement=complement)
Table.selectfalse = selectfalse Table.false = selectfalse
[docs]def selectnone(table, field, complement=False): """Select rows where the given field is `None`.""" return select(table, field, lambda v: v is None, complement=complement)
Table.selectnone = selectnone Table.none = selectnone
[docs]def selectnotnone(table, field, complement=False): """Select rows where the given field is not `None`.""" return select(table, field, lambda v: v is not None, complement=complement)
Table.selectnotnone = selectnotnone Table.notnone = selectnotnone
[docs]def selectusingcontext(table, query): """ Select rows based on data in the current row and/or previous and next row. E.g.:: >>> import petl as etl >>> table1 = [['foo', 'bar'], ... ['A', 1], ... ['B', 4], ... ['C', 5], ... ['D', 9]] >>> def query(prv, cur, nxt): ... return ((prv is not None and ( - < 2) ... or (nxt is not None and ( - < 2)) ... >>> table2 = etl.selectusingcontext(table1, query) >>> table2 +-----+-----+ | foo | bar | +=====+=====+ | 'B' | 4 | +-----+-----+ | 'C' | 5 | +-----+-----+ The `query` function should accept three rows and return a boolean value. """ return SelectUsingContextView(table, query)
Table.selectusingcontext = selectusingcontext class SelectUsingContextView(Table): def __init__(self, table, query): self.table = table self.query = query def __iter__(self): return iterselectusingcontext(self.table, self.query) def iterselectusingcontext(table, query): it = iter(table) hdr = tuple(next(it)) flds = list(map(text_type, hdr)) yield hdr it = (Record(row, flds) for row in it) prv = None cur = next(it) for nxt in it: if query(prv, cur, nxt): yield cur prv = cur cur = nxt # handle last row if query(prv, cur, None): yield cur
[docs]def facet(table, key): """ Return a dictionary mapping field values to tables. E.g.:: >>> import petl as etl >>> table1 = [['foo', 'bar', 'baz'], ... ['a', 4, 9.3], ... ['a', 2, 88.2], ... ['b', 1, 23.3], ... ['c', 8, 42.0], ... ['d', 7, 100.9], ... ['c', 2]] >>> foo = etl.facet(table1, 'foo') >>> sorted(foo.keys()) ['a', 'b', 'c', 'd'] >>> foo['a'] +-----+-----+------+ | foo | bar | baz | +=====+=====+======+ | 'a' | 4 | 9.3 | +-----+-----+------+ | 'a' | 2 | 88.2 | +-----+-----+------+ >>> foo['c'] +-----+-----+------+ | foo | bar | baz | +=====+=====+======+ | 'c' | 8 | 42.0 | +-----+-----+------+ | 'c' | 2 | | +-----+-----+------+ See also :func:`petl.util.materialise.facetcolumns`. """ fct = dict() for v in set(values(table, key)): fct[v] = selecteq(table, key, v) return fct
Table.facet = facet