Source code for

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
from __future__ import absolute_import, print_function, division

# standard library dependencies
from petl.compat import PY2

# internal dependencies
from petl.util.base import Table
from import read_source_from_arg, write_source_from_arg
if PY2:
    from import fromcsv_impl, tocsv_impl, appendcsv_impl, \
    from import fromcsv_impl, tocsv_impl, appendcsv_impl, \

[docs]def fromcsv(source=None, encoding=None, errors='strict', header=None, **csvargs): """ Extract a table from a delimited file. E.g.:: >>> import petl as etl >>> import csv >>> # set up a CSV file to demonstrate with ... table1 = [['foo', 'bar'], ... ['a', 1], ... ['b', 2], ... ['c', 2]] >>> with open('example.csv', 'w') as f: ... writer = csv.writer(f) ... writer.writerows(table1) ... >>> # now demonstrate the use of fromcsv() ... table2 = etl.fromcsv('example.csv') >>> table2 +-----+-----+ | foo | bar | +=====+=====+ | 'a' | '1' | +-----+-----+ | 'b' | '2' | +-----+-----+ | 'c' | '2' | +-----+-----+ The `source` argument is the path of the delimited file, all other keyword arguments are passed to :func:`csv.reader`. So, e.g., to override the delimiter from the default CSV dialect, provide the `delimiter` keyword argument. Note that all data values are strings, and any intended numeric values will need to be converted, see also :func:`petl.transform.conversions.convert`. """ source = read_source_from_arg(source) csvargs.setdefault('dialect', 'excel') return fromcsv_impl(source=source, encoding=encoding, errors=errors, header=header, **csvargs)
[docs]def fromtsv(source=None, encoding=None, errors='strict', header=None, **csvargs): """ Convenience function, as :func:`` but with different default dialect (tab delimited). """ csvargs.setdefault('dialect', 'excel-tab') return fromcsv(source, encoding=encoding, errors=errors, header=header, **csvargs)
[docs]def tocsv(table, source=None, encoding=None, errors='strict', write_header=True, **csvargs): """ Write the table to a CSV file. E.g.:: >>> import petl as etl >>> table1 = [['foo', 'bar'], ... ['a', 1], ... ['b', 2], ... ['c', 2]] >>> etl.tocsv(table1, 'example.csv') >>> # look what it did ... print(open('example.csv').read()) foo,bar a,1 b,2 c,2 The `source` argument is the path of the delimited file, and the optional `write_header` argument specifies whether to include the field names in the delimited file. All other keyword arguments are passed to :func:`csv.writer`. So, e.g., to override the delimiter from the default CSV dialect, provide the `delimiter` keyword argument. Note that if a file already exists at the given location, it will be overwritten. """ source = write_source_from_arg(source) csvargs.setdefault('dialect', 'excel') tocsv_impl(table, source=source, encoding=encoding, errors=errors, write_header=write_header, **csvargs)
Table.tocsv = tocsv
[docs]def appendcsv(table, source=None, encoding=None, errors='strict', write_header=False, **csvargs): """ Append data rows to an existing CSV file. As :func:`` but the file is opened in append mode and the table header is not written by default. Note that no attempt is made to check that the fields or row lengths are consistent with the existing data, the data rows from the table are simply appended to the file. """ source = write_source_from_arg(source, mode='ab') csvargs.setdefault('dialect', 'excel') appendcsv_impl(table, source=source, encoding=encoding, errors=errors, write_header=write_header, **csvargs)
Table.appendcsv = appendcsv
[docs]def totsv(table, source=None, encoding=None, errors='strict', write_header=True, **csvargs): """ Convenience function, as :func:`` but with different default dialect (tab delimited). """ csvargs.setdefault('dialect', 'excel-tab') return tocsv(table, source=source, encoding=encoding, errors=errors, write_header=write_header, **csvargs)
Table.totsv = totsv
[docs]def appendtsv(table, source=None, encoding=None, errors='strict', write_header=False, **csvargs): """ Convenience function, as :func:`` but with different default dialect (tab delimited). """ csvargs.setdefault('dialect', 'excel-tab') return appendcsv(table, source=source, encoding=encoding, errors=errors, write_header=write_header, **csvargs)
Table.appendtsv = appendtsv
[docs]def teecsv(table, source=None, encoding=None, errors='strict', write_header=True, **csvargs): """ Returns a table that writes rows to a CSV file as they are iterated over. """ source = write_source_from_arg(source) csvargs.setdefault('dialect', 'excel') return teecsv_impl(table, source=source, encoding=encoding, errors=errors, write_header=write_header, **csvargs)
Table.teecsv = teecsv
[docs]def teetsv(table, source=None, encoding=None, errors='strict', write_header=True, **csvargs): """ Convenience function, as :func:`` but with different default dialect (tab delimited). """ csvargs.setdefault('dialect', 'excel-tab') return teecsv(table, source=source, encoding=encoding, errors=errors, write_header=write_header, **csvargs)
Table.teetsv = teetsv