This is community-maintained software. The following people have contributed to the development of this package:
- Alexander Stauber
- Alistair Miles (alimanfoo)
- Andreas Porevopoulos (sv1jsb)
- Andrew Kim (andrewakim)
- Brad Maggard (bmaggard)
- Caleb Lloyd (caleblloyd)
- César Roldán (ihuro)
- Chris Lasher (gotgenes)
- Dean Way (DeanWay)
- Dustin Engstrom (engstrom)
- Fahad Siddiqui (fahadsiddiqui)
- Florent Xicluna (florentx)
- Henry Rizzi (henryrizzi)
- Jonathan Camile (deytao)
- Jonathan Moss (a-musing-moose)
- Juarez Rudsatz (juarezr)
- Kenneth Borthwick
- Krisztián Fekete (krisztianfekete)
- Matt Katz (mattkatz)
- Matthew Scholefield (MatthewScholefield)
- Michael Rea (rea725)
- Olivier Macchioni (omacchioni)
- Olivier Poitrey (rs)
- Pablo Castellano (PabloCastellano)
- Paul Jensen (psnj)
- Paulo Scardine (scardine)
- Peder Jakobsen (pjakobsen)
- Phillip Knaus (phillipknaus)
- Richard Pearson (podpearson)
- Robert DeSimone (icenine457)
- Robin Moss (LupusUmbrae)
- Roger Woodley (rogerkwoodley)
- Tucker Beck (dusktreader)
- Viliam Segeďa (vilos)
- Zach Palchick (palchicz)
- adamsdarlingtower
- hugovk
- imazor
- james-unified
- Mgutjahr
- shayh
- thatneat
- titusz
- zigen
Development of petl has been supported by an open source license for PyCharm.