Source code for petl.transform.maps

from __future__ import absolute_import, print_function, division

import operator
from collections import OrderedDict
from petl.compat import next, string_types, text_type

import petl.config as config
from petl.errors import ArgumentError
from petl.util.base import Table, expr, rowgroupby, Record
from petl.transform.sorts import sort

[docs]def fieldmap(table, mappings=None, failonerror=None, errorvalue=None): """ Transform a table, mapping fields arbitrarily between input and output. E.g.:: >>> import petl as etl >>> from collections import OrderedDict >>> table1 = [['id', 'sex', 'age', 'height', 'weight'], ... [1, 'male', 16, 1.45, 62.0], ... [2, 'female', 19, 1.34, 55.4], ... [3, 'female', 17, 1.78, 74.4], ... [4, 'male', 21, 1.33, 45.2], ... [5, '-', 25, 1.65, 51.9]] >>> mappings = OrderedDict() >>> # rename a field ... mappings['subject_id'] = 'id' >>> # translate a field ... mappings['gender'] = 'sex', {'male': 'M', 'female': 'F'} >>> # apply a calculation to a field ... mappings['age_months'] = 'age', lambda v: v * 12 >>> # apply a calculation to a combination of fields ... mappings['bmi'] = lambda rec: rec['weight'] / rec['height']**2 >>> # transform and inspect the output ... table2 = etl.fieldmap(table1, mappings) >>> table2 +------------+--------+------------+--------------------+ | subject_id | gender | age_months | bmi | +============+========+============+====================+ | 1 | 'M' | 192 | 29.48870392390012 | +------------+--------+------------+--------------------+ | 2 | 'F' | 228 | 30.8531967030519 | +------------+--------+------------+--------------------+ | 3 | 'F' | 204 | 23.481883600555488 | +------------+--------+------------+--------------------+ | 4 | 'M' | 252 | 25.55260331279326 | +------------+--------+------------+--------------------+ | 5 | '-' | 300 | 19.0633608815427 | +------------+--------+------------+--------------------+ Note also that the mapping value can be an expression string, which will be converted to a lambda function via :func:`petl.util.base.expr`. The `failonerror` and `errorvalue` keyword arguments are documented under :func:`petl.config.failonerror` """ return FieldMapView(table, mappings=mappings, failonerror=failonerror, errorvalue=errorvalue)
Table.fieldmap = fieldmap class FieldMapView(Table): def __init__(self, source, mappings=None, failonerror=None, errorvalue=None): self.source = source if mappings is None: self.mappings = OrderedDict() else: self.mappings = mappings self.failonerror = (config.failonerror if failonerror is None else failonerror) self.errorvalue = errorvalue def __setitem__(self, key, value): self.mappings[key] = value def __iter__(self): return iterfieldmap(self.source, self.mappings, self.failonerror, self.errorvalue) def iterfieldmap(source, mappings, failonerror, errorvalue): it = iter(source) try: hdr = next(it) except StopIteration: return flds = list(map(text_type, hdr)) outhdr = mappings.keys() yield tuple(outhdr) mapfuns = dict() for outfld, m in mappings.items(): if m in hdr: mapfuns[outfld] = operator.itemgetter(m) elif isinstance(m, int) and m < len(hdr): mapfuns[outfld] = operator.itemgetter(m) elif isinstance(m, string_types): mapfuns[outfld] = expr(m) elif callable(m): mapfuns[outfld] = m elif isinstance(m, (tuple, list)) and len(m) == 2: srcfld = m[0] fm = m[1] if callable(fm): mapfuns[outfld] = composefun(fm, srcfld) elif isinstance(fm, dict): mapfuns[outfld] = composedict(fm, srcfld) else: raise ArgumentError('expected callable or dict') else: raise ArgumentError('invalid mapping %r: %r' % (outfld, m)) # wrap rows as records it = (Record(row, flds) for row in it) for row in it: outrow = list() for outfld in outhdr: try: val = mapfuns[outfld](row) except Exception as e: if failonerror == 'inline': val = e elif failonerror: raise e else: val = errorvalue outrow.append(val) yield tuple(outrow) def composefun(f, srcfld): def g(rec): return f(rec[srcfld]) return g def composedict(d, srcfld): def g(rec): k = rec[srcfld] if k in d: return d[k] else: return k return g
[docs]def rowmap(table, rowmapper, header, failonerror=None): """ Transform rows via an arbitrary function. E.g.:: >>> import petl as etl >>> table1 = [['id', 'sex', 'age', 'height', 'weight'], ... [1, 'male', 16, 1.45, 62.0], ... [2, 'female', 19, 1.34, 55.4], ... [3, 'female', 17, 1.78, 74.4], ... [4, 'male', 21, 1.33, 45.2], ... [5, '-', 25, 1.65, 51.9]] >>> def rowmapper(row): ... transmf = {'male': 'M', 'female': 'F'} ... return [row[0], ... transmf[row['sex']] if row['sex'] in transmf else None, ... row.age * 12, ... row.height / row.weight ** 2] ... >>> table2 = etl.rowmap(table1, rowmapper, ... header=['subject_id', 'gender', 'age_months', ... 'bmi']) >>> table2 +------------+--------+------------+-----------------------+ | subject_id | gender | age_months | bmi | +============+========+============+=======================+ | 1 | 'M' | 192 | 0.0003772112382934443 | +------------+--------+------------+-----------------------+ | 2 | 'F' | 228 | 0.0004366015456998006 | +------------+--------+------------+-----------------------+ | 3 | 'F' | 204 | 0.0003215689675106949 | +------------+--------+------------+-----------------------+ | 4 | 'M' | 252 | 0.0006509906805544679 | +------------+--------+------------+-----------------------+ | 5 | None | 300 | 0.0006125608384287258 | +------------+--------+------------+-----------------------+ The `rowmapper` function should accept a single row and return a single row (list or tuple). The `failonerror` keyword argument is documented under :func:`petl.config.failonerror` """ return RowMapView(table, rowmapper, header, failonerror=failonerror)
Table.rowmap = rowmap class RowMapView(Table): def __init__(self, source, rowmapper, header, failonerror=None): self.source = source self.rowmapper = rowmapper self.header = header self.failonerror = (config.failonerror if failonerror is None else failonerror) def __iter__(self): return iterrowmap(self.source, self.rowmapper, self.header, self.failonerror) def iterrowmap(source, rowmapper, header, failonerror): it = iter(source) try: hdr = next(it) except StopIteration: return flds = list(map(text_type, hdr)) yield tuple(header) it = (Record(row, flds) for row in it) for row in it: try: outrow = rowmapper(row) yield tuple(outrow) except Exception as e: if failonerror == 'inline': yield tuple([e]) elif failonerror: raise e
[docs]def rowmapmany(table, rowgenerator, header, failonerror=None): """ Map each input row to any number of output rows via an arbitrary function. E.g.:: >>> import petl as etl >>> table1 = [['id', 'sex', 'age', 'height', 'weight'], ... [1, 'male', 16, 1.45, 62.0], ... [2, 'female', 19, 1.34, 55.4], ... [3, '-', 17, 1.78, 74.4], ... [4, 'male', 21, 1.33]] >>> def rowgenerator(row): ... transmf = {'male': 'M', 'female': 'F'} ... yield [row[0], 'gender', ... transmf[row['sex']] if row['sex'] in transmf else None] ... yield [row[0], 'age_months', row.age * 12] ... yield [row[0], 'bmi', row.height / row.weight ** 2] ... >>> table2 = etl.rowmapmany(table1, rowgenerator, ... header=['subject_id', 'variable', 'value']) >>> table2.lookall() +------------+--------------+-----------------------+ | subject_id | variable | value | +============+==============+=======================+ | 1 | 'gender' | 'M' | +------------+--------------+-----------------------+ | 1 | 'age_months' | 192 | +------------+--------------+-----------------------+ | 1 | 'bmi' | 0.0003772112382934443 | +------------+--------------+-----------------------+ | 2 | 'gender' | 'F' | +------------+--------------+-----------------------+ | 2 | 'age_months' | 228 | +------------+--------------+-----------------------+ | 2 | 'bmi' | 0.0004366015456998006 | +------------+--------------+-----------------------+ | 3 | 'gender' | None | +------------+--------------+-----------------------+ | 3 | 'age_months' | 204 | +------------+--------------+-----------------------+ | 3 | 'bmi' | 0.0003215689675106949 | +------------+--------------+-----------------------+ | 4 | 'gender' | 'M' | +------------+--------------+-----------------------+ | 4 | 'age_months' | 252 | +------------+--------------+-----------------------+ The `rowgenerator` function should accept a single row and yield zero or more rows (lists or tuples). The `failonerror` keyword argument is documented under :func:`petl.config.failonerror` See also the :func:`petl.transform.reshape.melt` function. """ return RowMapManyView(table, rowgenerator, header, failonerror=failonerror)
Table.rowmapmany = rowmapmany class RowMapManyView(Table): def __init__(self, source, rowgenerator, header, failonerror=None): self.source = source self.rowgenerator = rowgenerator self.header = header self.failonerror = (config.failonerror if failonerror is None else failonerror) def __iter__(self): return iterrowmapmany(self.source, self.rowgenerator, self.header, self.failonerror) def iterrowmapmany(source, rowgenerator, header, failonerror): it = iter(source) try: hdr = next(it) except StopIteration: return flds = list(map(text_type, hdr)) yield tuple(header) it = (Record(row, flds) for row in it) for row in it: try: for outrow in rowgenerator(row): yield tuple(outrow) except Exception as e: if failonerror == 'inline': yield tuple([e]) elif failonerror: raise e else: pass
[docs]def rowgroupmap(table, key, mapper, header=None, presorted=False, buffersize=None, tempdir=None, cache=True): """ Group rows under the given key then apply `mapper` to yield zero or more output rows for each input group of rows. """ return RowGroupMapView(table, key, mapper, header=header, presorted=presorted, buffersize=buffersize, tempdir=tempdir, cache=cache)
Table.rowgroupmap = rowgroupmap class RowGroupMapView(Table): def __init__(self, source, key, mapper, header=None, presorted=False, buffersize=None, tempdir=None, cache=True): if presorted: self.source = source else: self.source = sort(source, key, buffersize=buffersize, tempdir=tempdir, cache=cache) self.key = key self.header = header self.mapper = mapper def __iter__(self): return iterrowgroupmap(self.source, self.key, self.mapper, self.header) def iterrowgroupmap(source, key, mapper, header): yield tuple(header) for key, rows in rowgroupby(source, key): for row in mapper(key, rows): yield row