Source code for petl.util.misc

from __future__ import absolute_import, print_function, division

from petl.util.base import values, header, Table

[docs]def typeset(table, field): """ Return a set containing all Python types found for values in the given field. E.g.:: >>> import petl as etl >>> table = [['foo', 'bar', 'baz'], ... ['A', 1, '2'], ... ['B', u'2', '3.4'], ... [u'B', u'3', '7.8', True], ... ['D', u'xyz', 9.0], ... ['E', 42]] >>> sorted(etl.typeset(table, 'foo')) ['str'] >>> sorted(etl.typeset(table, 'bar')) ['int', 'str'] >>> sorted(etl.typeset(table, 'baz')) ['NoneType', 'float', 'str'] The `field` argument can be a field name or index (starting from zero). """ s = set() for v in values(table, field): try: s.add(type(v).__name__) except IndexError: pass # ignore short rows return s
Table.typeset = typeset
[docs]def diffheaders(t1, t2): """ Return the difference between the headers of the two tables as a pair of sets. E.g.:: >>> import petl as etl >>> table1 = [['foo', 'bar', 'baz'], ... ['a', 1, .3]] >>> table2 = [['baz', 'bar', 'quux'], ... ['a', 1, .3]] >>> add, sub = etl.diffheaders(table1, table2) >>> add {'quux'} >>> sub {'foo'} """ t1h = set(header(t1)) t2h = set(header(t2)) return t2h - t1h, t1h - t2h
Table.diffheaders = diffheaders
[docs]def diffvalues(t1, t2, f): """ Return the difference between the values under the given field in the two tables, e.g.:: >>> import petl as etl >>> table1 = [['foo', 'bar'], ... ['a', 1], ... ['b', 3]] >>> table2 = [['bar', 'foo'], ... [1, 'a'], ... [3, 'c']] >>> add, sub = etl.diffvalues(table1, table2, 'foo') >>> add {'c'} >>> sub {'b'} """ t1v = set(values(t1, f)) t2v = set(values(t2, f)) return t2v - t1v, t1v - t2v
Table.diffvalues = diffvalues
[docs]def strjoin(s): """ Return a function to join sequences using `s` as the separator. Intended for use with :func:`petl.transform.conversions.convert`. """ return lambda l: s.join(map(str, l))
[docs]def nthword(n, sep=None): """ Construct a function to return the nth word in a string. E.g.:: >>> import petl as etl >>> s = 'foo bar' >>> f = etl.nthword(0) >>> f(s) 'foo' >>> g = etl.nthword(1) >>> g(s) 'bar' Intended for use with :func:`petl.transform.conversions.convert`. """ return lambda s: s.split(sep)[n]
[docs]def coalesce(*fields, **kwargs): """ Return a function which accepts a row and returns the first non-missing value from the specified fields. Intended for use with :func:`petl.transform.basics.addfield`. """ missing = kwargs.get('missing', None) default = kwargs.get('default', None) def _coalesce(row): for f in fields: v = row[f] if v is not missing: return v return default return _coalesce