Source code for petl.util.materialise

from __future__ import absolute_import, print_function, division

import operator
from itertools import islice
from petl.compat import izip_longest, text_type, OrderedDict, next

from petl.util.base import asindices, Table

[docs]def listoflists(tbl): return [list(row) for row in tbl]
Table.listoflists = listoflists = listoflists
[docs]def tupleoftuples(tbl): return tuple(tuple(row) for row in tbl)
Table.tupleoftuples = tupleoftuples Table.tot = tupleoftuples
[docs]def listoftuples(tbl): return [tuple(row) for row in tbl]
Table.listoftuples = listoftuples Table.lot = listoftuples
[docs]def tupleoflists(tbl): return tuple(list(row) for row in tbl)
Table.tupleoflists = tupleoflists Table.tol = tupleoflists
[docs]def columns(table, missing=None): """ Construct a :class:`dict` mapping field names to lists of values. E.g.:: >>> import petl as etl >>> table = [['foo', 'bar'], ['a', 1], ['b', 2], ['b', 3]] >>> cols = etl.columns(table) >>> cols['foo'] ['a', 'b', 'b'] >>> cols['bar'] [1, 2, 3] See also :func:`petl.util.materialise.facetcolumns`. """ cols = OrderedDict() it = iter(table) hdr = next(it) flds = list(map(text_type, hdr)) for f in flds: cols[f] = list() for row in it: for f, v in izip_longest(flds, row, fillvalue=missing): if f in cols: cols[f].append(v) return cols
Table.columns = columns
[docs]def facetcolumns(table, key, missing=None): """ Like :func:`petl.util.materialise.columns` but stratified by values of the given key field. E.g.:: >>> import petl as etl >>> table = [['foo', 'bar', 'baz'], ... ['a', 1, True], ... ['b', 2, True], ... ['b', 3]] >>> fc = etl.facetcolumns(table, 'foo') >>> fc['a'] {'foo': ['a'], 'baz': [True], 'bar': [1]} >>> fc['b'] {'foo': ['b', 'b'], 'baz': [True, None], 'bar': [2, 3]} """ fct = dict() it = iter(table) hdr = next(it) flds = list(map(text_type, hdr)) indices = asindices(hdr, key) assert len(indices) > 0, 'no key field selected' getkey = operator.itemgetter(*indices) for row in it: kv = getkey(row) if kv not in fct: cols = dict() for f in flds: cols[f] = list() fct[kv] = cols else: cols = fct[kv] for f, v in izip_longest(flds, row, fillvalue=missing): if f in cols: cols[f].append(v) return fct
Table.facetcolumns = facetcolumns
[docs]def cache(table, n=None): """ Wrap the table with a cache that caches up to `n` rows as they are initially requested via iteration (cache all rows be default). """ return CacheView(table, n=n)
Table.cache = cache class CacheView(Table): def __init__(self, inner, n=None): self.inner = inner self.n = n self.cache = list() self.cachecomplete = False def clearcache(self): self.cache = list() self.cachecomplete = False def __iter__(self): # serve whatever is in the cache first for row in self.cache: yield row if not self.cachecomplete: # serve the remainder from the inner iterator it = iter(self.inner) for row in islice(it, len(self.cache), None): # maybe there's more room in the cache? if not self.n or len(self.cache) < self.n: self.cache.append(row) yield row # does the cache contain a complete copy of the inner table? if not self.n or len(self.cache) < self.n: self.cachecomplete = True