Source code for petl.transform.reductions

from __future__ import absolute_import, print_function, division

import itertools
import operator
from petl.compat import OrderedDict, next, string_types, reduce, text_type

from petl.errors import ArgumentError
from petl.util.base import Table, iterpeek, rowgroupby
from petl.transform.sorts import sort, mergesort
from petl.transform.basics import cut
from petl.transform.dedup import distinct

[docs]def rowreduce(table, key, reducer, header=None, presorted=False, buffersize=None, tempdir=None, cache=True): """ Group rows under the given key then apply `reducer` to produce a single output row for each input group of rows. E.g.:: >>> import petl as etl >>> table1 = [['foo', 'bar'], ... ['a', 3], ... ['a', 7], ... ['b', 2], ... ['b', 1], ... ['b', 9], ... ['c', 4]] >>> def sumbar(key, rows): ... return [key, sum(row[1] for row in rows)] ... >>> table2 = etl.rowreduce(table1, key='foo', reducer=sumbar, ... header=['foo', 'barsum']) >>> table2 +-----+--------+ | foo | barsum | +=====+========+ | 'a' | 10 | +-----+--------+ | 'b' | 12 | +-----+--------+ | 'c' | 4 | +-----+--------+ N.B., this is not strictly a "reduce" in the sense of the standard Python :func:`reduce` function, i.e., the `reducer` function is *not* applied recursively to values within a group, rather it is applied once to each row group as a whole. See also :func:`petl.transform.reductions.aggregate` and :func:`petl.transform.reductions.fold`. """ return RowReduceView(table, key, reducer, header=header, presorted=presorted, buffersize=buffersize, tempdir=tempdir, cache=cache)
Table.rowreduce = rowreduce class RowReduceView(Table): def __init__(self, source, key, reducer, header=None, presorted=False, buffersize=None, tempdir=None, cache=True): if presorted: self.source = source else: self.source = sort(source, key, buffersize=buffersize, tempdir=tempdir, cache=cache) self.key = key self.header = header self.reducer = reducer def __iter__(self): return iterrowreduce(self.source, self.key, self.reducer, self.header) def iterrowreduce(source, key, reducer, header): if header is None: # output header from source header, source = iterpeek(source) yield tuple(header) for key, rows in rowgroupby(source, key): yield tuple(reducer(key, rows))
[docs]def aggregate(table, key, aggregation=None, value=None, presorted=False, buffersize=None, tempdir=None, cache=True): """Group rows under the given key then apply aggregation functions. E.g.:: >>> import petl as etl >>> >>> table1 = [['foo', 'bar', 'baz'], ... ['a', 3, True], ... ['a', 7, False], ... ['b', 2, True], ... ['b', 2, False], ... ['b', 9, False], ... ['c', 4, True]] >>> # aggregate whole rows ... table2 = etl.aggregate(table1, 'foo', len) >>> table2 +-----+-------+ | foo | value | +=====+=======+ | 'a' | 2 | +-----+-------+ | 'b' | 3 | +-----+-------+ | 'c' | 1 | +-----+-------+ >>> # aggregate single field ... table3 = etl.aggregate(table1, 'foo', sum, 'bar') >>> table3 +-----+-------+ | foo | value | +=====+=======+ | 'a' | 10 | +-----+-------+ | 'b' | 13 | +-----+-------+ | 'c' | 4 | +-----+-------+ >>> # alternative signature using keyword args ... table4 = etl.aggregate(table1, key=('foo', 'bar'), ... aggregation=list, value=('bar', 'baz')) >>> table4 +-----+-----+-------------------------+ | foo | bar | value | +=====+=====+=========================+ | 'a' | 3 | [(3, True)] | +-----+-----+-------------------------+ | 'a' | 7 | [(7, False)] | +-----+-----+-------------------------+ | 'b' | 2 | [(2, True), (2, False)] | +-----+-----+-------------------------+ | 'b' | 9 | [(9, False)] | +-----+-----+-------------------------+ | 'c' | 4 | [(4, True)] | +-----+-----+-------------------------+ >>> # aggregate multiple fields ... from collections import OrderedDict >>> import petl as etl >>> >>> aggregation = OrderedDict() >>> aggregation['count'] = len >>> aggregation['minbar'] = 'bar', min >>> aggregation['maxbar'] = 'bar', max >>> aggregation['sumbar'] = 'bar', sum >>> # default aggregation function is list ... aggregation['listbar'] = 'bar' >>> aggregation['listbarbaz'] = ('bar', 'baz'), list >>> aggregation['bars'] = 'bar', etl.strjoin(', ') >>> table5 = etl.aggregate(table1, 'foo', aggregation) >>> table5 +-----+-------+--------+--------+--------+-----------+-------------------------------------+-----------+ | foo | count | minbar | maxbar | sumbar | listbar | listbarbaz | bars | +=====+=======+========+========+========+===========+=====================================+===========+ | 'a' | 2 | 3 | 7 | 10 | [3, 7] | [(3, True), (7, False)] | '3, 7' | +-----+-------+--------+--------+--------+-----------+-------------------------------------+-----------+ | 'b' | 3 | 2 | 9 | 13 | [2, 2, 9] | [(2, True), (2, False), (9, False)] | '2, 2, 9' | +-----+-------+--------+--------+--------+-----------+-------------------------------------+-----------+ | 'c' | 1 | 4 | 4 | 4 | [4] | [(4, True)] | '4' | +-----+-------+--------+--------+--------+-----------+-------------------------------------+-----------+ If `presorted` is True, it is assumed that the data are already sorted by the given key, and the `buffersize`, `tempdir` and `cache` arguments are ignored. Otherwise, the data are sorted, see also the discussion of the `buffersize`, `tempdir` and `cache` arguments under the :func:`petl.transform.sorts.sort` function. """ if callable(aggregation): return SimpleAggregateView(table, key, aggregation=aggregation, value=value, presorted=presorted, buffersize=buffersize, tempdir=tempdir, cache=cache) elif aggregation is None or isinstance(aggregation, (list, tuple, dict)): # ignore value arg return MultiAggregateView(table, key, aggregation=aggregation, presorted=presorted, buffersize=buffersize, tempdir=tempdir, cache=cache) else: raise ArgumentError('expected aggregation is callable, list, tuple, dict ' 'or None')
Table.aggregate = aggregate class SimpleAggregateView(Table): def __init__(self, table, key, aggregation=list, value=None, presorted=False, buffersize=None, tempdir=None, cache=True): if presorted: self.table = table else: self.table = sort(table, key, buffersize=buffersize, tempdir=tempdir, cache=cache) self.key = key self.aggregation = aggregation self.value = value def __iter__(self): return itersimpleaggregate(self.table, self.key, self.aggregation, self.value) def itersimpleaggregate(table, key, aggregation, value): # special case counting if aggregation == len: aggregation = lambda g: sum(1 for _ in g) # count length of iterable # determine output header if isinstance(key, (list, tuple)): outhdr = tuple(key) + ('value',) elif callable(key): outhdr = ('key', 'value') else: outhdr = (key, 'value') yield outhdr # generate data if isinstance(key, (list, tuple)): for k, grp in rowgroupby(table, key, value): yield tuple(k) + (aggregation(grp),) else: for k, grp in rowgroupby(table, key, value): yield k, aggregation(grp) class MultiAggregateView(Table): def __init__(self, source, key, aggregation=None, presorted=False, buffersize=None, tempdir=None, cache=True): if presorted: self.source = source else: self.source = sort(source, key, buffersize=buffersize, tempdir=tempdir, cache=cache) self.key = key if aggregation is None: self.aggregation = OrderedDict() elif isinstance(aggregation, (list, tuple)): self.aggregation = OrderedDict() for t in aggregation: self.aggregation[t[0]] = t[1:] elif isinstance(aggregation, dict): self.aggregation = aggregation else: raise ArgumentError( 'expected aggregation is None, list, tuple or dict, found %r' % aggregation ) def __iter__(self): return itermultiaggregate(self.source, self.key, self.aggregation) def __setitem__(self, key, value): self.aggregation[key] = value def itermultiaggregate(source, key, aggregation): aggregation = OrderedDict(aggregation.items()) # take a copy it = iter(source) hdr = next(it) # push back header to ensure we iterate only once it = itertools.chain([hdr], it) # normalise aggregators for outfld in aggregation: agg = aggregation[outfld] if callable(agg): aggregation[outfld] = None, agg elif isinstance(agg, string_types): aggregation[outfld] = agg, list # list is default elif len(agg) == 1 and isinstance(agg[0], string_types): aggregation[outfld] = agg[0], list # list is default elif len(agg) == 1 and callable(agg[0]): aggregation[outfld] = None, agg[0] # aggregate whole rows elif len(agg) == 2: pass # no need to normalise else: raise ArgumentError('invalid aggregation: %r, %r' % (outfld, agg)) # determine output header if isinstance(key, (list, tuple)): outhdr = list(key) elif callable(key): outhdr = ['key'] else: outhdr = [key] for outfld in aggregation: outhdr.append(outfld) yield tuple(outhdr) # generate data for k, rows in rowgroupby(it, key): rows = list(rows) # may need to iterate over these more than once # handle compound key if isinstance(key, (list, tuple)): outrow = list(k) else: outrow = [k] for outfld in aggregation: srcfld, aggfun = aggregation[outfld] if srcfld is None: aggval = aggfun(rows) outrow.append(aggval) elif isinstance(srcfld, (list, tuple)): idxs = [hdr.index(f) for f in srcfld] valgetter = operator.itemgetter(*idxs) vals = (valgetter(row) for row in rows) aggval = aggfun(vals) outrow.append(aggval) else: idx = hdr.index(srcfld) # try using generator comprehension vals = (row[idx] for row in rows) aggval = aggfun(vals) outrow.append(aggval) yield tuple(outrow)
[docs]def groupcountdistinctvalues(table, key, value): """Group by the `key` field then count the number of distinct values in the `value` field.""" s1 = cut(table, key, value) s2 = distinct(s1) s3 = aggregate(s2, key, len) return s3
Table.groupcountdistinctvalues = groupcountdistinctvalues
[docs]def groupselectfirst(table, key, presorted=False, buffersize=None, tempdir=None, cache=True): """Group by the `key` field then return the first row within each group.""" _reducer = lambda k, rows: next(rows) return rowreduce(table, key, reducer=_reducer, presorted=presorted, buffersize=buffersize, tempdir=tempdir, cache=cache)
Table.groupselectfirst = groupselectfirst
[docs]def groupselectmin(table, key, value, presorted=False, buffersize=None, tempdir=None, cache=True): """Group by the `key` field then return the row with the maximum of the `value` field within each group. N.B., will only return one row for each group, even if multiple rows have the same (maximum) value.""" return groupselectfirst(sort(table, value, reverse=False), key, presorted=presorted, buffersize=buffersize, tempdir=tempdir, cache=cache)
Table.groupselectmin = groupselectmin
[docs]def groupselectmax(table, key, value, presorted=False, buffersize=None, tempdir=None, cache=True): """Group by the `key` field then return the row with the minimum of the `value` field within each group. N.B., will only return one row for each group, even if multiple rows have the same (maximum) value.""" return groupselectfirst(sort(table, value, reverse=True), key, presorted=presorted, buffersize=buffersize, tempdir=tempdir, cache=cache)
Table.groupselectmax = groupselectmax
[docs]def mergeduplicates(table, key, missing=None, presorted=False, buffersize=None, tempdir=None, cache=True): """ Merge duplicate rows under the given key. E.g.:: >>> import petl as etl >>> table1 = [['foo', 'bar', 'baz'], ... ['A', 1, 2.7], ... ['B', 2, None], ... ['D', 3, 9.4], ... ['B', None, 7.8], ... ['E', None, 42.], ... ['D', 3, 12.3], ... ['A', 2, None]] >>> table2 = etl.mergeduplicates(table1, 'foo') >>> table2 +-----+------------------+-----------------------+ | foo | bar | baz | +=====+==================+=======================+ | 'A' | Conflict({1, 2}) | 2.7 | +-----+------------------+-----------------------+ | 'B' | 2 | 7.8 | +-----+------------------+-----------------------+ | 'D' | 3 | Conflict({9.4, 12.3}) | +-----+------------------+-----------------------+ | 'E' | None | 42.0 | +-----+------------------+-----------------------+ Missing values are overridden by non-missing values. Conflicting values are reported as an instance of the Conflict class (sub-class of frozenset). If `presorted` is True, it is assumed that the data are already sorted by the given key, and the `buffersize`, `tempdir` and `cache` arguments are ignored. Otherwise, the data are sorted, see also the discussion of the `buffersize`, `tempdir` and `cache` arguments under the :func:`petl.transform.sorts.sort` function. """ return MergeDuplicatesView(table, key, missing=missing, presorted=presorted, buffersize=buffersize, tempdir=tempdir, cache=cache)
Table.mergeduplicates = mergeduplicates class MergeDuplicatesView(Table): def __init__(self, table, key, missing=None, presorted=False, buffersize=None, tempdir=None, cache=True): if presorted: self.table = table else: self.table = sort(table, key, buffersize=buffersize, tempdir=tempdir, cache=cache) self.key = key self.missing = missing def __iter__(self): return itermergeduplicates(self.table, self.key, self.missing) def itermergeduplicates(table, key, missing): it = iter(table) hdr, it = iterpeek(it) flds = list(map(text_type, hdr)) # determine output fields if isinstance(key, string_types): outhdr = [key] keyflds = set([key]) else: outhdr = list(key) keyflds = set(key) valflds = [f for f in flds if f not in keyflds] valfldidxs = [flds.index(f) for f in valflds] outhdr.extend(valflds) yield tuple(outhdr) # do the work for k, grp in rowgroupby(it, key): grp = list(grp) if isinstance(key, string_types): outrow = [k] else: outrow = list(k) mergedvals = [set(row[i] for row in grp if len(row) > i and row[i] != missing) for i in valfldidxs] normedvals = [vals.pop() if len(vals) == 1 else missing if len(vals) == 0 else Conflict(vals) for vals in mergedvals] outrow.extend(normedvals) yield tuple(outrow)
[docs]def merge(*tables, **kwargs): """ Convenience function to combine multiple tables (via :func:`petl.transform.sorts.mergesort`) then combine duplicate rows by merging under the given key (via :func:`petl.transform.reductions.mergeduplicates`). E.g.:: >>> import petl as etl >>> table1 = [['foo', 'bar', 'baz'], ... [1, 'A', True], ... [2, 'B', None], ... [4, 'C', True]] >>> table2 = [['bar', 'baz', 'quux'], ... ['A', True, 42.0], ... ['B', False, 79.3], ... ['C', False, 12.4]] >>> table3 = etl.merge(table1, table2, key='bar') >>> table3 +-----+-----+-------------------------+------+ | bar | foo | baz | quux | +=====+=====+=========================+======+ | 'A' | 1 | True | 42.0 | +-----+-----+-------------------------+------+ | 'B' | 2 | False | 79.3 | +-----+-----+-------------------------+------+ | 'C' | 4 | Conflict({False, True}) | 12.4 | +-----+-----+-------------------------+------+ Keyword arguments are the same as for :func:`petl.transform.sorts.mergesort`, except `key` is required. """ assert 'key' in kwargs, 'keyword argument "key" is required' key = kwargs['key'] t1 = mergesort(*tables, **kwargs) t2 = mergeduplicates(t1, key=key, presorted=True) return t2
Table.merge = merge class Conflict(frozenset): def __new__(cls, items): s = super(Conflict, cls).__new__(cls, items) return s
[docs]def fold(table, key, f, value=None, presorted=False, buffersize=None, tempdir=None, cache=True): """ Reduce rows recursively via the Python standard :func:`reduce` function. E.g.:: >>> import petl as etl >>> table1 = [['id', 'count'], ... [1, 3], ... [1, 5], ... [2, 4], ... [2, 8]] >>> import operator >>> table2 = etl.fold(table1, 'id', operator.add, 'count', ... presorted=True) >>> table2 +-----+-------+ | key | value | +=====+=======+ | 1 | 8 | +-----+-------+ | 2 | 12 | +-----+-------+ See also :func:`petl.transform.reductions.aggregate`, :func:`petl.transform.reductions.rowreduce`. """ return FoldView(table, key, f, value=value, presorted=presorted, buffersize=buffersize, tempdir=tempdir, cache=cache)
Table.fold = fold class FoldView(Table): def __init__(self, table, key, f, value=None, presorted=False, buffersize=None, tempdir=None, cache=True): if presorted: self.table = table else: self.table = sort(table, key, buffersize=buffersize, tempdir=tempdir, cache=cache) self.key = key self.f = f self.value = value def __iter__(self): return iterfold(self.table, self.key, self.f, self.value) def iterfold(table, key, f, value): yield ('key', 'value') for k, grp in rowgroupby(table, key, value): yield k, reduce(f, grp)